Savage Pink

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Searching for Ronald Thatcher

Ronald and Robbie

Back through the mists of time to Philadelphia in the early 80's.  I was living in Fishtown and I was a punk.  Actually, that's where the name Savage Pink comes from (but that's another story).  A group of us used to hang out and put on shows, and we called ourselves the Philly BYO because we were trying, with the kids from the BYO (Better Youth Organization)  in California, to start a nationwide network of kids taking control of their local scene.. yes, this was the little acorns from which the mighty DIY music scene grew in America.   One of my good friends used the name Ronald Thatcher to write scene reports for Maximum Rock&Roll fanzine, and I've been out of touch with him pretty much since leaving Philly for SF in 1983.  I'm searching for him so if you know him, help us get in touch!  That's him on the left.

On the right is Robbie from the Philly band Sadistic Exploits, who I got to meet up with for the first time in nearly 30 years in NY this year when I was there with Steve Ignorant. I also got to see an old friend Kevin who I haven't seen in as long.  It was so great to see them, and I'm still mad that I didn't get to spend more time with them (as I was working).

Anyway, help me find Ronald!  Thanks.